R 25 Members will be provided with combination codes for the locks on the main gate and the Martin Black Cabin.


R 26 Members should enter through the Browns Edge Road gate and proceed down the track to the Whams gate and comply with the following safety instructions at the field entrance gate.


R 27 Upon entering the site from Browns Edge Road always close the gate behind you due to the possibility of livestock being present in the surrounding fields.
If cattle are in the areas by either gate please take care as at times they can be obstinate and stubborn to move out of the way. Also take care if retrieving models from adjacent fields when cattle are present.

R 28 Drivers of Vehicles approaching or leaving the car park must stop at the safety sign or marker and wait for a signal from those flying that it is safe to proceed with care.

It is advised that you sound your vehicle horn to alert fliers of your presence.


R 29 Models taking off and landing on the East /West Runway must give way to vehicles approaching or leaving the car park at all times.



Operating Rules

R 30 HDMAC members using the Whams do so under the rules of CAA Article 16. Members must read and understand Article 16, keep up to date and comply with all the current legislation, applicable to the flying of unmanned aircraft.


R 31 Members must comply with the site rules posted in the cabin on the field.


R 32 In the interests of safety & communication, all pilots should stand / sit, in the pilot box area whilst flying (chairs are permitted for use by anyone with disability or mobility problems). A Member flying a FPV model may also wish to operate it from a seated position.

R 33 When starting your model it should be suitably restrained either by the use of the start bench or restraint.

R 34 Aircraft should be carried or restrained by the pilot or their helper when being taken to the runway prior to take off.

R 35 Aircraft must not be taxied behind the flight line or directly towards the pilots / pits after landing.

R 36 Members must not fly their models over the pits and car park area or over any other designated No-Fly area as stated in the site rules posted in the Cabin.


R 37 Models weighing in excess of 7.5kg and gas turbine models must not be flown within 50 metres of spectators or the boundary of the pits. This may be reduced to 30 metres for take off and landing only. (C.A.A Rules)


R 38 Only the Groundsman or Committee Appointees may use the ride-on mower.


R 39 Members must not fly their models whilst the grass mower is in use.


R 40 Dogs are not permitted in the pits or on the flying area, even on a lead. Dogs are not allowed in the neighbouring fields, even on a lead.

R 41 The pits area, including the cabin, and car park should be considered as safe spaces. No refuelling, engine starting, motor running or battery arming should be undertaken within this area

R 42 Charging of models or batteries is not allowed in the car park. If you wish to charge using your own battery please charge in the pits or use the club charging system.

R 43 The use of 3D printed propellers and EDF units including impellers is not allowed on any HDMAC site.


R 43 Whilst 2.4GHz  would now be considered the preferred choice of operating frequency, due diligence must still be paid to the operation of transmitters on the 35MHz band.
Therefore to take into account the proximity of the slope sites only the following transmitter frequencies are allowed on the Whams - 2.4 GHz.  35MHz - Odd Frequencies

A pegboard is available in the Pits Area.  All Members using 35MHz MUST select the peg with the Frequency required from the Pegboard before switching on their Transmitters or flying.



REMEMBER - Frequency Control and Safety is the responsibility of all members using the site.



R 44 The engines of ALL Power (I/C and Electric) Models must be adequately silenced in order to comply with the club’s existing requirements as set out in the Planning Permission document issued by Barnsley Council. The sound levels permitted are :-

       Less than 80dBA, then the engine/propeller/silencer combination is acceptable for flying on Club fields.

       In excess of 80 dBA but less than 82dBA, the model may be flown for the next session

       In excess of 82 dBA then the model must not be flown from a Club site until modified and retested.



R 45 If required by any member of the Committee a member must submit a model to a sound level test using the Club Sound Level Meter.

R 46 The committee reserve the right to prohibit the flying of any aircraft that is deemed to be excessively noisy.

R 47 The committee reserve the right to prohibit the flying of any aircraft that is deemed to be unsafe.


R 48 Helicopters may be flown in slots on the Whams Flying Field by mutual arrangement with all the Fixed Wing Flyers on site.

R 49 For Safety reasons, Helicopters and Fixed Wing models should not be flown simultaneously.


R 50 If a gas turbine model is flown then no other models shall fly at the same time.


THE WHAMS - TIMES OF USE - (as laid down in Planning Regulations)


The times for flying Thermal Gliders, DLG’s and Electric Models is UNRESTRICTED.


I/C Engined Power Models are restricted to the following times.


Saturdays    10 a.m. to 6 p.m.            10 models maximum in use.

Sundays      10 a.m. to 6 p.m.            10 models maximum in use.

Weekdays   10 a.m. to 5 p.m.              3 models maximum in use.

Weekdays   5 p.m. to 8 p.m.      10 models maximum in use.

Wednesdays    5 p.m. to 9 p.m.      10 models maximum in use.


Shelley High School playing fields are for the use of Thermal Soarers and Electric Powered aircraft only. 

The use of I/C engine powered models is not permitted.

Members using the site are responsible for frequency control and all frequencies are permitted. 

Flying is permitted at any time provided there is no other authorised use of the playing fields.

When Sports are taking place there must be No Flying.



HDMAC is fortunate, being on the eastern edge of the Pennines, to have the use of several local slope sites for soaring. This is by kind permission of the various land owners and it is important that we respect that generosity by ensuring we take care and have respect while flying from their land. A good rule of thumb is always to leave things exactly like they were when you arrived.


Hullock Bank


Hullock Bank is the main club soaring site that HDMAC has exclusive permission to use with kind permission of the farmer who owns the fields around the top edge of the slope.


Parking is along the bridleway as shown on the map. It's probably best to park on the left hand side. Alternatively you can park along the verge on Hirst Lane.


Entry to the fields is through the steel gate (G). Please ensure it is closed at all times.

Follow the wall around the edge of the ridge trying not to walk on any of the planted crops.

The area shown in the blue box should not be overflown as there are sensitive livestock in the fields below.

Please try and land not too far into the fields on the top, especially when crops are growing. Also try to walk along the tractor tracks, when the crops are high, while retrieving models.


Hullock Bank is suitable for wind directions WNW, W, WSW, SW, SSW, S.


Please note that retrieval access for models cannot be guaranteed as they are likely to overfly other landowners land.

You can see however that some of the land we fly over is classed as 'Open Access'


Frequencies - 2.4GHz and 35MHz using ONLY Even Frequencies

Members are responsible for all frequency control



Article 16 and Accident Reporting

Club members who use Hullock Bank must be compliant with the requirements of Article16 and the general club flying rules as well as respecting the wishes of the landowners and abide by the accepted local rules for parking, access, flying and frequency control. Also the accident incident reporting procedures must be observed and any incident, accident, or occurrence involving or potentially involving, injury to the public, damage to property & aircraft landing out of sight these events must be reported to the relevant authority as required in the reporting requirements and also committee within a maximum of 24 hours.

Information on how to report an Accident can be found HERE


Royd Moor


The Club has exclusive use of a slope site at Royd Moor that is suitable for SW winds. Park either on the lane or the road. Enter by using the steel gate where the arrow is pointing. There may be sheep in the field so it is important that the gate is kept closed at all times.


Frequencies - 2.4GHz and 35MHz using ONLY EVEN Frequencies

Members are responsible for all frequency control


Article 16 and Accident Reporting

Club members who use Royd Moor must be compliant with the requirements of Article16 and the general club flying rules as well as respecting the wishes of the landowners and abide by the accepted local rules for parking, access, flying and frequency control. Also the accident incident reporting procedures must be observed and any incident, accident, or occurrence involving or potentially involving, injury to the public, damage to property & aircraft landing out of sight these events must be reported to the relevant authority as required in the reporting requirements and also committee within a maximum of 24 hours.

Information on how to report an Accident can be found HERE




Whitley Edge


The Club has the exclusive right to fly gliders (NO ELECTRIC MODELS) on Whitley Edge which is located close to the Whams. Whitley Edge provides a gentle slope that is ideal for beginners and also for test flying new models. It is suitable for wind directions from NW to SSW. Flying should take place on the slope side of the walls in the area coloured BLUE on the map below.

Please be aware that the slopes are on a busy farm and the land owner Ian suggests for our own safety that we give the cattle (a bull and many cows with calves) a wide birth.


Members are asked to show consideration in using this site. Park your car on Whitley Road but please do not park too close to the entrance gate G as this can cause obstructions to the farmer who needs constant access. Close all gates after passing through and no climbing over fences or walls.


Frequencies - 2.4GHz ONLY – NO USE OF 35MHz PERMITTED.


Article 16 and Accident Reporting

Club members who use Whitley Edge must be compliant with the requirements of Article16 and the general club flying rules as well as respecting the wishes of the landowners and abide by the accepted local rules for parking, access, flying and frequency control. Also the accident incident reporting procedures must be observed and any incident, accident, or occurrence involving or potentially involving, injury to the public, damage to property & aircraft landing out of sight these events must be reported to the relevant authority as required in the reporting requirements and also committee within a maximum of 24 hours.

Information on how to report an Accident can be found HERE





Holme Moss


This is privately owned land however it has been used for slope soaring for well over 40 years by both fliers this side of the Pennines and from the dark side in Lancashire.


Holme Moss accommodates wind directions from North to East and when the conditions are right the lift can be great and very smooth.


Greater care needs to be taken when flying from Holme Moss though as it is very much a public site with many tourists stopping there to take in the great views. The other thing to be careful about is the use of Holme Moss by Paragliders and Hang Gliders.


It is essential that good communications exist between the different participants so that each know which airspace they will be flying in.


All frequencies can be used at Holme Moss but please check with other fliers if using 35MHz to stop any clashes.



Article 16 and Accident Reporting

Club members who use Holme Moss must be compliant with the requirements of Article16 as well as respecting the wishes of the landowners and abide by the accepted local rules for parking, access, flying and frequency control. Also the accident incident reporting procedures*** must be observed and any incident, accident, or occurrence involving or potentially involving, injury to the public, damage to property & aircraft landing out of sight these events must be reported to the relevant authority as required in the reporting requirements*** and also committee within a maximum of 24 hours.

Information on how to report an Accident can be found HERE


Marsden Moor Soaring Association


HDMAC is proud to have been a founding member of the MMSA which allows members of the Club as well as other affiliated clubs the right to fly on land owned by the National Trust on Marsden Moor.


More details on the Marsden Moor Soaring Association can be found by Clicking Here




It is advisable for fliers to be aware of the local rules for the Nont Sarah's site especially as it is often shared with Hang Gliders and Paragliders

Further Information can be found by Clicking Here


Article 16 and Accident Reporting

Club members who use MMSA and other slope sites in the district must be compliant with the requirements of Article16 and the general club flying rules as well as respecting the wishes of the landowners and abide by the accepted local rules for parking, access, flying and frequency control. Also the accident incident reporting procedures must be observed and any incident, accident, or occurrence involving or potentially involving, injury to the public, damage to property & aircraft landing out of sight these events must be reported to the relevant authority as required in the reporting requirements and also committee within a maximum of 24 hours.

Information on how to report an Accident can be found HERE


Rules for flying on all HDMAC Slope Sites


R S1 Always close gates behind you.


R S2 On Hullock Bank and Whitley Edge always walk around the edge of the fields to minimise any potential damage to crops.
At Hullock Bank it is often easier to walk along tractor tracks between tall crops.


R S3  Always minimise any damage to crops when retrieving a model after landing.


R S4  It is the responsibility of the individual flier to be sure it is safe to fly before launching.


R S5  Models must be launched and landed a safe distance from other fliers and spectators. The flier intending to launch or land should shout “launching” or “landing” allowing time for other fliers to respond and take appropriate action.


R S6 Models must not be deliberately flown close to or over other fliers, spectators, or members of the public. Particular attention should be paid to members of the public using the track in front of the slope at Hullock Bank.


R S7  Fliers must announce their intention to enter the landing area, and announce when they have retrieved their model and cleared the area.


R S8 On windy days particular care should be taken to avoid models blowing back and hitting other fliers and spectators. Consideration should be given to launching from down the slope or delaying the launch to allow other fliers to land first.


R S9  A model’s maiden flight (or first flight following significant changes) should be undertaken with no other models flying to allow all persons present to react accordingly to any unexpected flying characteristics.


R S10  Members’ cars at Royd Moor should be parked safely taking into account the landing approach being used for flying in that particular wind direction


R S11  Electric models must not be flown on Club slope sites.


R S12  Fliers using 35 MHz MUST ONLY USE EVEN FREQUENCIES at Hullock Bank or Royd Moor – Only 2.4GHz can be used at Whitley Edge

More information on the Slope Soaring page

Rules for flying on all HDMAC Slope Sites

1. It is the responsibility of the individual flier to be sure it is safe to fly before launching.

2. Models must be launched and landed a safe distance from other fliers and spectators.  The flier intending to launch or land should shout “launching” or “landing” allowing time for other fliers to respond and take appropriate action.

3. Models must not be deliberately flown close to or over other fliers, spectators, or members of the public. Particular attention should be paid to members of the public using the track in front of the slope at Royd Moor.

4. Fliers must announce their intention to enter the landing area, and announce when they have retrieved their model and cleared the area.

5. On windy days particular care should be taken to avoid models blowing back and hitting other fliers and spectators.  Consideration should be given to launching from down the slope or delaying the launch to allow other fliers to land first.

6.  A model’s maiden flight (or first flight following significant changes) should be undertaken with no other models flying to allow all persons present to react accordingly to any unexpected flying characteristics.

7. Members’ cars at Royd Moor must be parked near to the entrance to the bridle path and never immediately downwind of the landing field.

8. Electric models must not be flown on Club slope sites.

9. Fliers on 35 MHz must only use even frequencies and announce their frequency before launching.


From time to time the club may be asked to perform at local Fetes and if the site is suitable, these engagements may be accepted.

Club members flying in such demonstrations must hold a full Certificate of Competence (B.M.F.A. “B” Certificate) and be fully conversant with the safety code relevant to Public Demonstrations.

A Demonstration Director will be appointed for each demonstration and his word is final upon any matter appertaining to flying or crowd control.

If sites are not suitable for safe flying, then the Club may arrange a Static Exhibition of Models. These are found to create much interest from the public.

Displays performed properly and safely can only improve the image of our sport in the eyes of the general public.

Fly-ins and similar small scale events may be organised on Club sites following the guidelines in the BMFA Members handbook which requires an Overall Event Organiser and Flight Marshal to ensure safety.